Womb Healing
You are the portal between heaven and earth

As women, our wombs are our power centres. Our wombs are the portal between heaven and earth and all of our creative energies. Sadly, this power has been suppressed, disconnected, shamed, and distorted for thousands of years. This has been passed down through lineages of women suffering with painful menses, dreading their bleeds arrival, forcing themselves to push through because as “modern women” we still need to work, take care of the children, and God-forbid, actually rest while on our moontime.
Well, I am here to tell you there is another way.
In your personal 1:1 womb healing session, we will reconnect you with your power through the honouring of your womb. You will learn how to listen and honour your womb and I will teach you how to create a life of rest and honouring your emotions, body, and energy while you are bleeding. We will clear any stuck or stagnate energy (emotions) that is keeping you disconnected from you power. Whether you want to heal from past trauma, have more creative energy, or feel deeply connected to your heart (yes, our heart and wombs are connected) this is a beautiful offering I would be honoured to share with you.
This work is deeply personal to me. I am someone who used to have dreadful 7 day long painful periods. I would constantly feel victimized by being a woman. It was literally the way I would reject myself the most creating cycles of shame and depression. Until one day, I learned how to honour this time of month, myself as a woman, and the power I hold within. Now my menses comes with rarely any cramps. I honour the emotions that arises before or during my bleed, never shaming them or calling them “PMS” or “mood swings”. I cleanse my womb with yoni steams and I can teach you how to do this too.
You see, all of our emotions and memories are stored within our womb. The things that are showing up for you around your menses is seeking your attention and healing. I will teach you how to listen to the voice of your womb, how to slow down and actually rest on your bleed and how to teach this to other women and girls in your life.
What happens during a Womb Healing session?
During your Womb Healing session you will be asked a couple of questions about your relationship with your womb, how your menses has been currently and in the past, and what you would love to experience instead. You will then lay down comfortably in a peaceful, relaxing and quite healing space to begin your session. The best way to receive this work is by opening your heart and mind.
Since each session is curated and intuitively guided, often times I will use water, flowers or herbs and other things I am guided to use for you.
Any questions that may arise during your session or afterward you may openly ask only if it is in relation to the work being done.
These sessions can be facilitated online or in person, both are equally potent and effective. There is an add on option for in person sessions which includes a 20 – 30 minute yoni steam. This is curated for your specific needs and is facilitated during the session.
Investment: 60 mins session – $177 plus HST
Investment: 90 minute session which includes Yoni Steam – $222 plus HST