About Melissa

KNOw more about Melissa

Melissa Maher is a Certified Generational Healer® and Teacher, Licensed Soul Therapist™ and Soul Parent | Spiritual Child™ Educator.  From a young age, all she knew was that when she grew up she wanted to help people. With grand and sometimes unique ideas of how that would look, she was really taken by surprise in 2014 when she was guided to begin a healing practice to serve those who are experiencing their spiritual awakening.

She left a very masculine dominant security career and entered into a field that required more softness, presence, fluidity, and ease. This was met with much fear, resistance, and uncertainty for Melissa because it was a space she never really resided in before. Yet time and time again she was assured by Spirit that she was exactly where she was meant to be.

As the months turned into years, Melissa emerged as a trusted leader and guide to many women in her community and in different corners of the world. She knew she found “home” yet there was much more work to do and a much deeper purpose calling her.

Fast forward to December 2016 when Melissa met her mentor and founder of Generational Healing and Soul Therapy School, Deborah Skye King. This woman radically changed her life. Melissa underwent a 13-month apprenticeship with Skye to learn the profoundly impactful work of Generational Healing. By working with Skye so closely over the past several years, Melissa has begun to understand the deeper calling she is here to fulfill. A calling to bring comfort and reassurance to those experiencing fear or lack in their lives. A calling to deeply support the healing of our planet. And the calling to teach women and children how their everyday actions can do this too.

Melissa is now seeing clients online via Zoom and in-person in Guelph.  She looks forward to learning about you and how she can serve you and your soul’s evolution.

Client Love

I am so grateful for my Magical Melissa. I was referred to her from a friend in a difficult time. She truly helped me find hope in myself through heavy days. Melissa provides you with such comfort and a safe space that it became easy to open up. She is extremely easy to talk to and truly the most passionate listener. She always knew what to say and asked the right questions to lead me to exactly where I needed to be. This relationship became so nourishing and rewarding others around me noticed the change. She has a true passion to lift others up and gifted me with the lifelong tools to help me succeed. Above all, she truly cares and provides you with such honesty and transparency that sets her apart. Highly recommend!

- Christina 2023

Melissa’s passion to help her clients is amazing. She has worked with me to remove limiting decisions, and any obstacles I ‘felt’ were holding me back. As a entrepreneur, it is important to surround yourself with people that will keep you focused. Thanks Melissa!

- Mel

Melissa has a warmth and beautiful energy to her. Instantly, she made me feel relaxed and comfortable. I didn’t know anything about energy healing before, but thought I’d try it out. I had such a great experience, I have now recommended her to my friends. Melissa truly has a unique gift.

- Vaneesa

I met with Melissa in October of last year. We focused our session on 3 key goals. I can say with confidence I walked out of the session feeling lighter, brighter, and more focused. Looking back, our session gave me the confidence to move forward in the sectors we chose. I felt comfortable with her right away, and our session felt more like a get together with a friend. She was open, kind, and approachable.

- Michelle

Without writing a whole essay, i can say that this was one of the most trans-formative experiences of my life, but i can only say that now in hindsight. Looking back i see now that Melissa help lay the ground work for many transformations to happen!!!

- Jordan